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Hepper, E. G., Wildschut, T., & Sedikides, C. (2025-2028). Dyadic nostalgia in couple relationships. ESRC grant proposal (£862,118)

Millings, A. (2021) Adult attachment styles and COVID-19: Coping and adherence. Sheffield Hallam University PSP REF Fund. £5k

Thirkettle, M., & Millings A. (2021) Towards a Language-free Measure of Attachment Style. Sheffield Hallam University PSP REF Fund. £5k

Millings, A. (2021). Relationship Intervention Programmes for Foundations App. Consultancy for Koa Health (Barcelona). £12k

Millings, A. (2019). Emotional Readiness in Cafcass Clients. University of Sheffield Knowledge Exchange Sabbatical. (£14k).

Millings, A. (2018). Emotional Readiness in Separating Parents. TUoS WARP. (£10k)

Wilkinson, L.L., Rowe, A.C., et al. (2017). Developing and validating the digital distance affect regulation mapping (DARM) tool. EPSRC Cherish-de Escalator fund. (£3157.20).

Kumashiro, M. & Arriaga, X. (2015 -2018). Two-Way SBE-RCUK/ESRC Lead Agency Agreement (ES/N013182/1): Relationship Strategies to Bolster Interpersonal Security Over Time. $335,120 from NSF and £33,223 from ESRC.

Millings, A., Walsh, J., Cavanagh, K., Rowe, A. C., & Carnelley, K. B.  (2013).  Applying relationships science to contemporary interventions.  Economic and Social Research Council Research Seminars Competition.  (£26467.00), 36 months.  Click here to go to the Seminar Series webpage


Lavda, A., Millings, A., & Thompson, A., (2013) Can attachment style predict coping and success of coping based intervention in people with skin conditions? British Skin Foundation (£9,757). 


Carnelley, K. B., Rowe, A. C., Hepper, E. G., & Gramzow, R.  (2010-2013).  Symbolic closeness to attachment networks:  Roles of stress and imposed closeness.  Leverhulme Trust (F/00 180/AL) (£85,859).

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