Executive committee
Dr Kathy Carnelley
Associate Professor in Psychology, University of Southampton.
I conduct research on adult attachment and am interested in affect regulation (e.g., pain reactions, physiological responses, depression), attachment networks, exploring working models of self and others, and finding methods to increase attachment security (e.g., repeated security priming) and well-being.
Web: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/psychology/about/staff/kc6.page
Dr Erica Hepper
Lecturer in Psychology, University of Surrey
My research examines individual differences in self-relevant emotions and motivation in social context. For example, I am interested in the consequences of self-enhancement motivation and narcissistic personality for interpersonal relationships, the experience and functions of nostalgia within close relationships, and the interplay between attachment orientation and the regulation of self and emotions.
Web: https://www.surrey.ac.uk/people/erica-hepper
PDFs of publications: http://surrey.academia.edu/EricaHepper
Dr Fay Julal Cnossen
Senior Lecturer in Psychology, University of Birmingham
My research focuses on attachment and caregiving experiences with parents, partners, and peers in adulthood. I am particularly interested in attachment networks and individual differences in support-seeking.
Web: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/staff/profiles/psychology/julal-fay.aspx
Dr Michelle Luke
Reader in Organisational Behaviour, University of Sussex
My research focuses on the areas of self/identity, attitudes and values and positive psychology. In particular, I examine such issues as self-definition, close relationships, workplace relationships, work performance feedback, inter-group relations, attitudes and values and positive emotions.
Professor Abigail Millings
Professor, Centre for Behavioural Science and Applied Psychology, Sheffield Hallam University
My research spans relationships, mental health, and the use of technology to promote well-being. The theories that underpin my work include attachment theory and theories of behaviour change. I research include how attachment orientation affects coping, resilience, and mental health, what works best in digital interventions for well-being, and how best to support families undergoing transitions, such as new babies and parental separation. Some of my recent projects include examining the relationship between attachment and mindfulness, and developing a measure of adaptation to relationship dissolution.
Web: https://www.shu.ac.uk/about-us/our-people/staff-profiles/abigail-millings
Professor Angela Rowe
Professor, School of Experimental Psychology, University of Bristol
Web: https://research-information.bris.ac.uk/en/persons/angela-c-m-rowe
My research focuses on the influence of relational schemata of different attachment qualities on perceptions of attachment phenomena, at both information processing and behavioural levels.
Dr Judi Walsh
Associate Professor School of Psychology, University of East Anglia
My research focuses on perinatal psychology: particularly relationships in the context of planning, having, and parenting children.
Web: https://research-portal.uea.ac.uk/en/persons/judi-walsh
Dr Laura Wilkinson
Associate Professor, School of Psychology, Swansea University
My focuses on the relationship between attachment orientation and eating behaviour.
Web: https://www.swansea.ac.uk/staff/medicine-health-life-science/psychology/wilkinson-l/